EDWC has carefully forged partnerships with public and private entities to drive a one-of-a-kind initiative for transforming seemingly challenging sites into the county’s next major economic development opportunity.

Coupled with our unique capabilities to package projects in ways that get deals done, and you have an experienced partner for your next redevelopment project.

Why Consider Brownfield Redevelopment?

“Abandoned, idle or underused industrial or commercial facilities or sites…the expansion or redevelopment of which is affected by actual or perceived environmental issues.”

Whether from the perspective of a developer or resident, overcoming these real and / or perceived issues makes good business sense.

  • Economic– leveraged investment, revitalized neighborhoods, blight elimination, employment retention and expansion
  • Fiscal– new sources of local and state revenue from otherwise unproductive assets, expanded tax base, savings from reuse of existing infrastructure

One of our brownfield sites may just be the successful expansion location or development project your competitors didn’t come anywhere close to thinking of!


EH Wolf and Sons – Slinger, WI


Saxony Village – Germantown, WI


2200 Green Tree Road     West Bend, WI 53090      262-335-5769